Monday, October 14, 2013


WOW. "Gravity" is an ASTOUNDING film that will take its courageous voyagers on a wild ride. Simply put, it will leave you breathless!! As you attempt to regain your composure, you will be given a fresh perspective, causing a new appreciation of life on a much deeper level than ever felt before. "Gravity" is an exquisite dance in space that will twirl and twist you through the stunning—and often unnerving—setting of stars, satellite debris, silence, and a stellar sunrise. It is a cinematic tour de force that will leave you gasping for air—and thankful for the ground beneath you...

After seeing this film, merely surviving will not be enough—you will want to embrace life and TRULY live!!!!

Flawless and heart-wrenching, yet beautiful in its simplicity and devastating honesty, "Gravity" is a simple story that seems to write itself organically with each passing scene. And that organic, unplanned feel is what seems to draw us in as we bounce between fear and awe. It is pure perfection!!

Sandra Bullock (Ryan Stone) and George Clooney (Matt Kowalski) give raw, honest, quietly powerful performances that will make you smile while tugging at your heartstrings.

Clooney plays a veteran astronaut who manages to maintain his debonair witty persona even in space, while encased head-to-toe in a space suit. Bullock is a dedicated, focused medical engineer who is experiencing her first expedition into space and is having a difficult time adjusting to her new, oxygen deficient surroundings. Floating from scene-to-scene effortlessly, she manages to ground the film providing the viewer something solid to hold on to. We stay hopeful for her, never letting go of that desire.

The 3D effects are spectacular, almost poetic in a sense. Whether it is the floating tears or the shattered debris from a Russian satellite that feels as though it has hurtled itself off screen right at you—every scene seems to bring something new to be awed by. Much more than just a film being watched onscreen, "Gravity" allows the viewer to feel like an additional character within the film instead of feeling like merely a spectator.

Barely giving a glimpse of the emotional ride—or the physical one—you will go on during the course of this film, the preview only serves to peak your curiosity and draw you into this unforgettable adventure. Questions will arise, horrors will be confirmed, answers will be given, and a new vision for your life will be unleashed.

It is a journey that you will not forget anytime soon.

Even the title itself helps to set up the premise of what we are about to witness. Not only is it a story about what it is like to function in a place where everything floats freely, but it is also a story about how one would react during serious situations that are out of our control.

The crux of the film, I believe, is that the human spirit is strong and often more resilient than we tend to give it credit for. We all face adversities and hardships, losses and painful situations, however, the point of life is to keep pushing forward and never give up, no matter how difficult, terrifying, intense, or lonely things get—and life definitely can become all of those things (and more) at times. And even though sometimes life can become more than we think we are able to bear on occasion, as the tagline of the movie states, "NEVER... LET... GO..."

Watching this film will not only provide a better understanding regarding what an astronaut must face during their space missions—but it will also cause viewers to reflect upon and evaluate how each one of us faces our own daily obstacles and determine what kind of life we choose to live—one filled with fear and stagnation, or preferably, one that overflows with confidence and growth.

By the end of the film I was sobbing (a reaction I wasn't prepared for) as I reflected upon the loss of my Mom, heartache and disappointment I have faced, and how at times it has all made me want to just give up and stop trying, stop caring. But that isn't the answer. I realized I must keep moving forward and instead of giving up, I must fight harder. Even though sadness and fear and loneliness may take over at times, those aren't the only emotions that life has to offer—there is also plenty of joy, strength, and connection available if we are willing to hold out just a bit longer and forge ahead with faith.

"Gravity" is a mesmerizing masterpiece that will stay with you long after the film has ended. And as scenes from the film flash into your mind you will be reminded that life is an adventure with many twists, turns, and unexpected events—some good, some bad, but all relevant to creating the person who we become. In most instances, the events that do occur are unable to be prepared for anyway. Perhaps instead of fighting the current, we should just hold on tight and enjoy the ride—because, at the very least, if we survive the often-times overwhelming events we are forced to face, we will at least have a really good story to tell.

In a time when many of us may struggle with feeling disconnected and perhaps adrift in our own lives, "Gravity" helps us to see things with fresh eyes—providing that sense of connection that we all crave.

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